Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Analysis of Other Student's Work

I have analysed the work of 5 different students who completed their magazines last year. Each magazine belonged to the music genre but was a different type of music. It helped me to look at this other students work as I could analyse the strength and weaknesses of their work and I can see the standard that is expected of my final product. I can use the strengths I have found and manipulate them so they fit with my magazine and I can review the weaknesses to ensure that these do not occur in my final product.
From this exercise I have found out these following things that I am going to take into consideration when creating my final product....
- use a variety of colours in the colour palette as only using a few colours can be overpowering and at times dull
- ensure an equal balance between image and text on the double page spread so one of the two is not too intense
- check that all text used on the magazine is spelled correctly and is grammatically correct to give the double page spread article a professional finish
- do not use blurry images as it makes the magazine look unprofessional
- follow common conventions of magazines for front cover, contents page and double page spread article
 Below I have included the notes I made while reviewing other student's work. I only included the names of the magazines and have not included any images or students names as I do not think this would be fair to the other students

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