Friday, 1 February 2013

Photo Shoot Planning Document

This essay below includes information about my photoshoot and how I planned it.
Photo Shoot Planning Document
I would like my photography to have a positive emotional impact upon the reader. I do not want to convey sadness or anger. I want the reader to enjoy reading my magazine so want to leave them emotionally content at the end of an article. I plan to achieve this by having my models looking happy by smiling in the images. This emotional impact will also be conveyed in the text.
I plan to use four models for the main images that I will be using in my magazine. These models will be females who are aged 16. These models will make a band. I do not need any other personnel other than the models as I will be taking the photographs myself and there will be no other jobs that need to be done.
I will not be using many props as I want the models to be the main focus of my images. However I am going to have guitars available for the photo-shoot. I have not planned entirely what I will be doing with the guitars and this is something that I will decide while I am doing the photo shoot. I want the images to look as natural as possible so I am going to give the props to the models then let them decide what they want to do with them. I decided on guitars as I am going a music magazine and this was the easiest musical instrument that I had access to.
I am going to emphasis colour in my images by taking them on a white background. This way any colour from the models will stand out against the white background. I have not instructed my models to wear a specific colour of clothing although I did tell them to stick to block colours as they will stand out better on images.
I have briefed my models on many things that are related to the photo shoot. I told them to avoid wearing clothes that have spots or strips on and told them to try and wear block colours. I briefed them on the ideas behind my magazine and what the images would be used for. I told them vaguely what they will be doing during the photo shoot although they are aware that this is changeable. My models are fully informed about all aspects of my photo shoot.
I hope to use entirely natural lighting in my photo shoot as I will be taking the images during the day and the room in which I will be taking the images has many large windows which allows for a lot of natural light. However I am aware that natural light is not reliable so I have ensure that there is artificial lighting in the room that I could use if necessary although I hope that it will not be needed as I think natural lighting is better.
I shall be shooting my images in an entirely white room. I will not need a backdrop as there is a large white wall that I will be using as the backdrop. The makeup that the models will be wearing will be natural. I do not want the models to look too made up as I want the readers of my magazine (young teenage girls) to be able to relate to the models. My models will be wearing ‘every-day-clothing.’ This includes jeans, t-shirts and jumpers. Again this is because I want my readers to relate to the models.

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