Monday, 19 November 2012

Potential Locations

The images that are displayed in this post are images that I have taken myself of the locations that I am considering for the photo shoot for my images for my magazine. I decided on having an outside photoshoot because I think that the autumnal background would look good in the images and is a unique setting that not many magazines use. The images are arguably the most important part of my magazine and the background of the images is key, so it is essential that I choose the correct setting. The images below are of different locations in a local park. I took all of the images on the same day at approximately the same time and did not take into consideration the lighting effects as these images were only to get an idea of what the different locations looked like and so I could compare them.

1 comment:

  1. Take care when selecting a front cover image as you need the text to stand out from your background this muise-en-scene (albeit beautiful) might be more appropriate for dps/contents page images x
