Thursday, 29 November 2012

Photography Powerpoint

In class we looked at a photography powerpoint which displayed different photography techniques and how we could use these to get the best possible images for our magazine. We learned about the different distances that can be used to portray different things in an image. From looking at multiple different images I have decided that I would like to try and take a medium shot which I could use for my front cover image. I decided on trying to get a medium shot because it is close enough to show emotion in a characters face but not too large that the face takes up the whole front cover. Here is an example of medium shot and I would like something similar to this on my front cover.

From the powerpoint I also decided to include images that are bright and vivid in colour. It is a common feature of my magazine genre and I find the images to be more attractive and appealing to the reader. The bright colours portray happiness and give a nice impression of the magazine to the reader. Here is an example of and image that I would like to recreate for my magazine.
One of the slides discussed the type of images that we could include in our magazine. There was two different types of images shown and that was a 'Candid Image' and a 'Posed image.' As far as possible I would like to include Candid Images in my magazine. The poses will be as natural as possible. I think that these types of images will fit better with my ideas for my double page spread. Natural images will appeal more to my target audience because young teenagers will be more attracted to a person that they can relate to. Someone in a natural environment with a natural pose will be easier for young teenagers to relate to.
This image is a posed image.
This image is a candid image.

Monday, 19 November 2012


I have started to think about potential models for the photos for my magazine. I have decided that I would like to include a band in my magazine as this is a common feature of magazines. I have asked four of my friends to take part in the photoshoot and subsequent to me print screening this inbox all have agreed and we have arranged a date and time for the photoshoot to take place.

Preliminary Task

Prior to starting the production of my magazine I had to complete a preliminary task. The images show in this post are images of the magazine that I completed as part of my preliminary task. I took all of the images myself although none of them have been edited due to a lack of time and a lack of knowledge and understanding of programmes such as Photoshop. My overall grade for this magazine was a ‘C’ as stated on my feedback form. We were allocated two hours to take photos and put together the front cover and contents page of a college magazine. I was disappointed with the grade I received for this piece as I feel I have the potential to complete the work to a higher standard. I hope to receive a higher grade for my final magazine as by the time I have completed that I will have been able to practice my editing skills and will have had more time to complete the task.
This task gave me a good understanding of how a magazine has to look and the different techniques needed to produce a professional looking magazine. I completed the task on PowerPoint as this was the programme that I felt most comfortable on. I found PowerPoint to be a good programme to complete this task on as it had all the tools necessary. It was quick and easy to put my magazine together. However, for my final product I will be using Photoshop as it is a more advanced programme which includes all of the necessary tools that are essential in the production of my magazine. I feel that Photoshop will give a the product a more professional look.

The main difficulty that I encountered when making this magazine was a lack of time. I did finish the product in the two hours that we were allocated but it was a massive rush. I think that I spent too much time taking images and not enough time putting my magazine together. I spent about 45 minutes taking pictures which left me with one hour and fifteen minutes to produce the magazine. I found deciding the design of my magazine the most challenging as creativity is an area that I have always found to be difficult. In the whole magazine process I found writing the text to be the easiest but I think this is due to an A-Level in English Literature.

I chose the images that I did because they were all appropriate for the story lines that I have stated on my contents pages. All of the images have good lighting and backgrounds which come together to make the images look professional. The eye-line match on the front cover will draw the reader to the magazine and entice them to read it. I tried to include a variety of images which are each unique and individual so that they all interest a different reader. I have also decided to include some of the photos that I did not include in my magazine and the reasons why I thought they were inappropriate.
 I did not use this image because it is slightly blurry as it was an 'action shot.' I had wanted to include it in the contents page of my magazine as it links to the image that I used on the front cover. I also thought that the background of the image was slightly too 'busy' and there was too many potential distractions for the reader which would prevent them from reading all the text.
 I was put of from using this image as again I think that the background it too 'busy' and there is too many distractions for the reader. I could not find a suitable place to use this image as it was not related to any of the story lines that I included on my contents page. Finally I did not like the lighting in this shot as I feel the light is very evidently unnatural and looks quite unprofessional.
 I quite like this image because I think it is unique and individual compared to the other images that we had taken for the preliminary task. I think that the lighting is good as it is natural which makes the image look more professional. I had originally wanted to include the image on the contents page of my magazine but however I could not find an appropriate place for it as it did not fit with any of my story lines.
When taking this image I had planned for it to be my main front cover image. I think that the lighting and background are perfect for a front cover as the background is plain and I could easily layer things over this and the lighting is bright. However when constructing my product I decided against using this image because there was no eye-line match from the model and an eye-line match is important from the front cover as it draws the reader to a magazine.


Although I have already done some asked a small sample of people from my target audience some individual questions about my magazine, I have decided to devise a questionnaire which includes all of the questions that I would like answered about different conventions of my magazine. I am going to ask the questions to 20  female teenagers aged between 12 and 18 as this is the target audience for my magazine. I will be able to use the results from this questionnaire to help me decided the layout and content of my magazine. I have tried to include a diverse set of questions which covers all aspects of my magazine. If there is anything else that I think of after I have completed the questionnaire I will be able to ask another sample of people at a later date. I am going to create graphs from the results of my questionnaire so that I can easily analyse the data. I will post the results, graphs and analysis of the results after I have completed the questionnaire.

Chosen Locations

I found in difficult to chose just one location for my images as I thought different locations could be used for different types of pictures. After evaluating the pros and cons of each locations I have decided to use the locations that are displayed in this post. I am hoping to get a variety of good quality images in each location then be able to choose the best ones.

Potential Locations

The images that are displayed in this post are images that I have taken myself of the locations that I am considering for the photo shoot for my images for my magazine. I decided on having an outside photoshoot because I think that the autumnal background would look good in the images and is a unique setting that not many magazines use. The images are arguably the most important part of my magazine and the background of the images is key, so it is essential that I choose the correct setting. The images below are of different locations in a local park. I took all of the images on the same day at approximately the same time and did not take into consideration the lighting effects as these images were only to get an idea of what the different locations looked like and so I could compare them.

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Key Conventions of a Double Page Spread.

This is a double page spread from a magazine titled 'The Crack' that I have used to show the key conventions of a magazines double page spread. "The Crack" is a free magazine distributed in the North East of England. It is a free magazine which focus' on arts and has a target audience of art students. Although this may not be a 'teen pop' magazine it will share many of the same key conventions. Looking at this magazine has helped me to learn the different conventions that are included on a double page spread. I am hoping to include the majority of these in my magazine although some may have to be adapted to my chosen genre. When comparing this double page spread to other magazines I have found that the majority of the conventions are essential to giving a magazine a polished and professional look. There is no convention that does not have a purpose, although some may be more obvious than others. I plan to use mind map to help me deconstruct three double page spreads from 'teen pop' magazines. It will help as I will be able to refer to this to ensure that I have highlighted all of the conventions and discussed how they effect the audience.